Jolly Bird
We’ve come a full circle from the dark days of uncertainty, chronicling isolation and associated temperaments, dealing with pain and loss, and a finally a splinter of hope as we race towards the end of this year. During this period, Kanike has been the only space of stark reality for us, taking stock of each other’s physical and emotional health, nursing wounds while offering words of solace and silence as panacea. Inbetween these moments, we coaxed ourselves to express what we felt, what we felt for, what we thought we felt through photographs, words, drawings, prints and sewing interjected by dark and comical headlines in the local newspapers that wafted us by, offering an alternative commentary.
We hemmed all that into a project, presenting in its leaves an intimate, insightful and deeply personal exploration. This book is handmade, hand-bound and available now in a first edition of 50 copies. We would love to share these with you.
Book Size: 105x148 mm
Price 500Rs
Pages : 130
Update: SOLD OUT